Where lies the true beauty?

The idiom It is so true that “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” This idiom originated somewhere in 3rd century. It was first used by Margaret Wolfe Hungerford in 1878. The meaning of idiom It simply means that the definition of beauty differs from person to person. What appears beautiful to one may not appear beautiful to another. I personally believe that everything is beautiful in its own realm. We only need beautiful eyes to behold the hidden beauty in everything. The measurement How do we measure beauty? I think it is a complicated process. I would like to leave it to the beauty pageant experts. However all of us have some yardsticks to measure beauty. Types of beauties There are two kinds of beauties. The external and internal beauties. We usually spend considerable time to improve our external beauty. The market is flooded with beauty products. We usually neglect the next type of beauty. The internal type There is another beauty which is invisible to eyes but it is true and lasting beauty. This is the inner beauty of heart. This internal quality has ability to transform even an externally ugly person into a beautiful person.
1 Peter 3:3-4 NASBS Your adornment must not be merely external-braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; [4] but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.
The quote Allow me to introduce the above mentioned quote from the Holy Bible. It highlights the innermost beauty. A person may appear externally beautiful and attractive however when we get closer we realise that this person doesn’t possess matching inner qualities. The essential qualities There are two qualities mentioned which can impart imperishable beauty. These qualities are gentle and quiet spirit. The person has lot of humility and also is peace loving. This person is free from self-pride and prejudice. These qualities are very precious in the eyes of God. Good is not impressed with external beauty. He is interested in the internal beauty of heart. What kind of beauty are you searching for? Conclusion The true beauty lies in the our beautiful eyes. There are two qualities which can impart imperishable beauty to our hearts. The gentleness and peacefulness. May Lord Jesus Christ help each of us to bring forth the fruit of the Holy Spirit namely gentleness and self-control. Many blessings to you.
This good inner qualities have ability to transform an externally ugly person into a beautiful person. _ the Bible blogger
Please feel free to express your views on beauty. ©2019 https://dailybiblebytesforyou.wordpress.com

32 thoughts on “Where lies the true beauty?

  1. Ravisingh

    superb! i fully agree with u! loved this post!
    And last but not least, thank you so much for your decision to follow my blog. I hope you will like my posts as and when u get time to read them!

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  2. Yep agreed. It’s whats in the heart that matters. This explains something I have noticed – that sometimes the prettiest women are the ones that are nasty and don’t have any good qualities and are obsessed with themselves, while the ones that appear to be not so pretty on the outside are quite nice.
    Just to be clear, I am not saying all pretty women are like that, just some.

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    1. You are correct. We should pay more attention to improving our inner self. The external beauty doesn’t matter in the long run. The true beauty is never skin deep rather it is spirit deep. It’s the gentle and quiet spirit which makes our hearts beautiful. Thanks Rachael for reading and responding with so beautiful comment. Yah bless you.

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