Medicine according to Yeshua

Health worker

Matthew 9:11–12 (CJB): When the P’rushim saw this, they said to his talmidim, “Why does your rabbi eat with tax-collectors and sinners?”
12 But Yeshua heard the question and answered, “The ones who need a doctor aren’t the healthy but the sick.

The religious leaders at the time of Yeshua objected to his association with certain classes of people. They asked his talmidim (disciples) about him eating with sinners and tax collectors. These guys were snubbed by the religious leaders (Pharasees).

Yeshua, taught them his divine medicine lessons. In the physical realm only sick need a doctor, similarly in the spiritual realm the spiritually sick need a spiritual doctor, this is what he taught them.

The take home message is that those who have physical ailments need worldy doctor. The spiritually sick people would need a spiritual doctor.

Who could be their spiritual doctor?

Bring Healing to our land!🤲

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Our planet and nation is severeley affected by COVID-19 pandemic. There is lot of fear and apprehension which has gripped the people of our world. We are expectantly waiting for relief and healing from COVID-19 pandemic.

2 Chronicles 7:13–14 (CJB): If I shut up the sky, so that there is no rain; or if I order locusts to devour the land; or if I send an epidemic of sickness among my people;
14 then, if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.

The God of Hebrews gave warning to his people. He said that disobedience to his commandments would invite severe punishment from their God.

He said that he would send drought, locusts, and epidemic to their land. This punishment could be reversed if they fulfill certain conditions.

The Adonai God said that, “if” my people would take some corrective actions in their lives that would bring relief from their troubles.

The most important thing God required from his own children was humbleness, prayerfulness, seeking God’s favour, repentance from evil ways, then God promised to heed to their cry.

God of the Bible promised to answer their prayer. He gives assurance of forgiveness of sins. He is willing to bring healing to our sick land.

Dear God, heal our planet Earth and our nation. We are willing to mend our ways. We seek your face, please hear our cry! We seek forgiveness and healing. Heal us and take away all the pestilence from us. This we pray in the name of Yeshua Meshiakh. 🙇

Say “Amen” if you believe. Like 👍 it if you support. Forward ⏩ it if you think it is the need of the hour.

Not so Rosy talk 🌹

Pink rose flower

Who doesn’t like a rose flower? Everyone loves it. Sight of a rose flower brings refreshment to our souls. That’s why florists make lot of money by selling them.

You can impress anyone with a rose flower. Roses make our lives beautiful. Roses of different colors have different meanings. I use to impress my wife with a rose bud before our marriage.😜

I have two rose plants in my balcony. Each has bloomed one rose. One is pitch and another pink. You can see one of the rose in the above photograph and pitch one down below.

Pitch color rose

Roses help to decorate vases. They can be worn by a lady in her hair. Roses are symbolic of human glory and beauty.

Roses symbolises our prime years of life. We humans have our glorious days. Our successful days can be likened to a full bloomed rose. The roses with the passing of time undergo decay.

all humanity is like grass,
all its glory is like a wildflower—
the grass withers, and the flower falls off”

A withered rose flower

After few weeks, look at the state of that glorious and beautiful rose. When the rose fades away, it no longer looks like a rose. The dead rose has no resemblance to its former glory.

In my today’s Bible quote, the author likens the human glory to the glory of a flower. The flower dries and looses its glory forever. One day that flower will fall and forgotten forever.

That’s why, it’s not a good idea to have pride. If you are successful, then don’t look down on others. You should humble yourself if God has lifted you up. If God can lift you up, similarly he can pull you down if you become arrogant and full of pride.

Like👍 it if you agree. Comment✍️ if you disagree. Forward ⏩it if you are blessed. Be blessed in the name of Yeshua Meshiakh.

Heal me!

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What would you give in return for healing? You would agree with me that health supersedes everything else in life. When we know that our health is at stake then we are willing to exchange it with anything more valuable.

Health is taken for granted until its lost. Health is wealth, wealth is not Health. When you are healthy then you can be wealthy. We try to earn wealth at the cost of health.

“because I am Adonai your healer.”

Exodus 15:26 (CJB)

While we are neglecting our health, we don’t realize that we are gradually moving from healthful to diseased status. It’s a gradual subtle journey. Being healthy is a labourious task. Becoming diseased is very simple. Just don’t do anything, you will be sick one day!

Today, I have citated a tiny quotation from the Holy Bible. It’s the Adonai God of the Bible speaking to his people Israel. He encouraged them that he is their Healer.

When we are healthy we don’t think about the Healer, however sickness reminds us of our need for a healer.

God told them in advance that I am the God who heals you. We have two kinds of diseases, spiritual and physical. The worldly doctors can cure physical ailments. The God of the Bible can heal both.

Thanks for visiting and reading. If you agree, then please respond “Amen.” If you disagree, then please leave your comment. 🤗👍

Blessings in the name of Yeshua Meshiakh. 🙇

Orphaned by the pandemic!

Hi! How are your elderly parents doing? My mom and dad are well and I am very thankful for this. Their well being is always a good news for me.

Parents health is always a great blessing. They have done so much for us. It’s very painful to see them sickbed. I know that you will do everything to make sure that they are hale and hearty.

Parents sickness is always a source of great misery. It’s very difficult to see them suffering. Their healthful days will always mesmorize your mind. Their illness can cause lot emotional turmoil.

Can you imagine someone loosing both parents at once? It’s just horrible for me to even think of it for few seconds. God forbid that something like this should happen to my beloved parents, then the world would crumble beneath my feet.

Few days ago, I received bad news from my friend. His wife called up and said that her husband lost his mother to COVID-19. I was very sad. Next day she called me say that her husband’s dad is being shifted to hospital for he needs ventilator. He was a COVID-19 patient.

After few days later, she said that her husband’s father is no more. I was extremely saddened by this loss. I was speechless. I was struggling for words. I didn’t know how to comfort my friend.

COVID-19 has been disastrous for so many families. I feel so sorry for all those who have seen their loved ones snatched away by this pandemic.

The last words of my friend were, “I am lost.” He was feeling that he lost the whole world after loosing his parents. I could feel his pain. I could feel his tears. He is a resident of middle east, but I felt his anguish right where I live.

I could only quote to him one scripture which God showed me. I quote from the Holy Bible……

Psalm 27:10 (CJB): Even though my father and mother have left me,
Adonai will care for me.

I could only say this, I know that no-one can replace what you have lost. Your loss is great, but this is the promise of God to you. He will take care of you when your parents are no longer available to take care of you.

My friend was all in tears. He was comforted by the”Words of God.” I was happy that I could help him to certain extent. God bless and comfort my friend.

Dear friend, if you are going through moments of loneliness, kindly consider above scripture quote. It will bring peace, joy, and blessings to your disturbed lonely heart.

Blessings to you 🙏 in the name of Yeshua Meshiakh 🤗 shalom 🕊️

PPE: The new armour

Fighting Covid-19 is nothing less than a real war zone. You can’t hit the battlefield without requisite armour. In the battlefield there’s always risk to the lives of soldiers.

Each soldier’s life counts. Even a minor lapse on the part of the soldier can jeopardize his life. Similarly in the fight against the Covid-19, meticulous attention to detail is necessary.

Every health worker involved in providing care to the victims of Covid-19 must adorn himself/herself with the personal protective equipment (PPE).

The PPE consists of head covering, goggles, face shield, facemask, gown, leggings, gloves, etc. Each piece protects the specific body area.

There’s a specific sequence to wear the PPE and also the sequence to disrobe it. Any errors committed during the disrobing process can expose the health worker to this deadly virus.

Dear co-health worker, I implore you not to be complacent with regards to the consistent use of the PPE. It’s so important for the health and safety of your well being. We need you. We can’t afford to lose you.

Ephesians 6:11 (CJB): Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary.

This reminds me of the spiritual armour mentioned in the Holy Bible. We need to be consistent with the spiritual armour so that we can resist the enemy and withstand his attacks.

Dear God, thank you very much for the spiritual and physical (PPE) armour that protects us from the invisible enemy. Protect us Lord from these I pray in the name of Yeshua Meshiakh.

Jai Hind 🇮🇳